Some new toys arrived in the mail today. I am so happy! I love new toys, the new toy smell. Okay, maybe not the smell, but certainly the potential that they provide. Today we received the Viper Tongue whip/strap thingy and a Delrin Cane from Eden Fantasies. By all accounts on the Eden site, the Delrin cane is for serious players and I can hardly wait to unleash it all over my girl's ass.Has she been particularly bad? No, but then I don't need a reason to cover that sweet ass with welts, do I? Besides, I get the feeling that what we both need is for her to have a good, long, hard cry; get all this stress from this passed semester out in one go. Start our summer break fresh. And yes, I'm concerned that the end of this semester will be the first chance I get to use it on her. Though, knowing that eager sadist that lives in my soul, it might well be tomorrow;)
So spring break is over, has been now for a week. I wanted to write about our experiences over that week, but in truth we are still trying to figure them out for ourselves.Regardless, we are still around and we are still trying to get our desperate moments in when we can. The best news of all is that in about a month this will all be over and the girl will be home for the summer. Neither of us can wait. The promise of mostly uninterrupted time together and a lot of babysitting time for our siblings. It will be lovely.Also we are getting ready to head down to our dear friends, Master Pravus and his Red Vinyl Kitty, this upcoming weekend, it will be a wonderful time.So there it is, we are still here and still kicking. I'm looking forward to having lots to share with all of you when we get back from this weekend. Blessings to all...