A long while back, we had asked for questions and comments to our blog. We know there are many curious people out there and we hope that at least some of them are curious about us. A nice man by the name of Florida Dom provided a whole heaping helping of Q for A. In true to life fashion,however, my time to answer these questions was gobbled up like dark meat on thanksgiving, or on a rap video. So, with my most humble apologies, here we go...
Q. Do you do tit bondage until they turn purple?
A. Oh yes. I absolutely love the look of a woman's breasts bound. I have on many occasions wound the rope so tightly around her breasts that they looked as if they were going to pop. Also that deep purple color they start to turn, luscious. On occasion, when I'm feeling particularly cruel, I'll bind her breasts tightly, put her on all fours for a fuck, then pull her arms behind her so she is forced to lay on them, grinding as she is fucked...
Q. Does she have any piercings? If not do you plan some?
A. Not as of yet. The idea of say nipple piercings is more of a punishment for her for something really naughty at this time. My slave has very aptly presented her case for not getting this done, citing that the potential for infection in such a sensitive area is too great. Plus, given her ample sized breasts, it would purportedly take up to six months for them to fully heal before we could do any breast play what so ever. This would be a great shame for both of us.
As for labia or facial piercings, I don't see the need nor desire for either of these. I have played with people who have labia piercings and I have found that they seem to get in the way more often then not, plus there is really nothing that can be done with labia piercings that can't be done with mean little plastic, toothed, clips. And facial piercings hold no interest for either of us personally.
The one piercing that I would really like to have done to her at this moment would be a belly button piercing. I have seen such beautiful designs and jewelry attachments for these...
Q. When you do bondage do you sometimes pull the rope tight in her pussy and is that a turn on for her?
A. In the past I have done quite a bit with rope harnesses, particularly with those that run up through the pussy lips, nipping and biting nicely. There have been times, when going out in public, that I have tied a pussy harness on her with the loose end sticking out of the back of her jeans, providing me with a lovely little handle with which to direct her around. This is a turn on for her, but one that she finds it hard to admit. Fortunately, her pussy rarely lies;)...
Q. How often do you make her pee in a cup?
A. At the moment, controlling her piss is more related to punishment. My hope is to make it a more permanent and regular part of her conditioning, however this is just not the right time. I do control when she may go by making her beg me for bathroom privileges, and have for almost the entire time I have owned her. There are many times when, especially if I am feeling particularly cruel or she has been bad, I'll allow her to piss but make her pee in the tub like a little dog. I'll even make her pant for me while she does...
Q. Do you ever pee on her in the tub or shower?
A. Yes, I do. Usually with little warning, I might add. There are some times when I'll come into the bathroom while she is in the shower and instead of using the toilet, I will piss all over her. Other times I'll be in the shower with her and have her squat down, as there is little room available for her to kneel, and cut loose all across her face and chest.
Q. Have you made her drink her pee yet instead of spitting it out?
A. I haven't yet, but it is coming... Just the other day, I had allowed her to use the restroom to pee, when I needed to piss as well. I entered into the bathroom to find that she had already finished and was washing her hands. I smiled and told her she was lucky the toilet was open, or I would have had to shoved my cock into her mouth and let loose. She just smiled...
Q. If her jaw is too small to make blow jobs comfortable, can't she turn you on just doing your tip?
A. Due to a very unfortunate period when my slave was closed for business for about two months, her oral skills have vastly improved. Not only has she developed a real appreciation for it, she has admitted to craving the feel of my throbbing cock in her mouth. Thanks to the benefits provided by cups of diced pineapples, she also enjoys having a mouthful of my cum. I am pleased to announce that she has successfully taken my cock all the way down her throat during a skull fucking session. The first that we have ever had.
Thus we look for the silver lining on every thunderous, fucked-up rain cloud that keeps my slave celibate...
Q. How often do you have scenes?
A. Honestly, as often as we can! Any more we just can't seem to find much time. For example, just today we were looking forward to an hour and a half of play time. However, what used to be half an hour of prep play and then an hour of fucking became a half hour of play period. We are both desperate for a full day or more of her subjugation, torture, and slavery...
Q. Does she have to shave her pussy?How often? Wax or razor?
A. My standing orders for my slave are that her cunt be shaved at all times. There are some times where I'll find she has gotten a little fuzzier than I prefer, and she is sent to the shower. We have not had her waxed yet, though the razor does provide for a day or so of little irritation bumps and some slight razor burn that can be fun in its own right when the time comes;)...
Q. Does she have to stay nude in the house sometimes?
A. I prefer for my slave to be naked at all times at home, wearing only a collar and perhaps some pumps. Infact, my ideal preference for any of my slaves is that they are collared at all times, naked at all times at home, and not allowed on any piece of furniture without express permission. It is such a joy to see a naked slave, collared, and kept on the floor. During colder seasons I'll allow her at least some clothing to keep her warm...
Q. Do you sometimes forbid her to wear a bra or panties in pubic?
A. In fact I had forbidden her to wear panties at the beginning of our relationship and as a result she now finds them uncomfortable. In a fun twist, I now force her to wear cutesy little panties or g-strings just for the humiliation factor on occasion...
Q. Do you make her wear revealing clothes in public?
A. Public play, given the small community we live in, has become something of a taboo for my slave. The very mention of it causes her to tense up and go quiet. How sad for me, however, it really does make for a great warning in public for misbehavior.
I chose the daily wardrobe for her as it is. As a slave, her body and her clothes belong to me and are mine to do with as I choose. Like a doll, I get to dress her up as I wish, which does often leave her walking about in sexy or somewhat revealing clothing. I do try to keep it a little toned down as to protect us from the community at large...
Q. Do you ever drip wax on her?
A.Wax play is not something that we do regularly given the mess. We also have not been able to find wax that will melt at a low enough temperature for her comfort. Now granted we have not tried wax play for quite a long time and her limits for so many things have increased over the years, so we'll definitely be trying this again...
Q. Do you ever put clamps on her nipples and/or pussy?
A.Yes, all the time. One of my favorite, yet sadly under used, activities is to handcuff her hands behind her, placing shackles on her ankles, placing clips like the kind one would use for potato chip bags upon her nipple and labia, and leading her around the house by a chain leash attached to her metal collar. It is so fun to watch her waddle, trying desperately to keep her thighs apart as to not twist those mean little clips. The chain of the shackles of course making that a most difficult proposition.
Most of our play includes some form of nipple clamps or clothes pins. I make regular use of her lovely, large breasts; binding, clamping, slapping, striking, ect. My slave has such lovely, sensitive nipples...
Q. Are people close by when you do kinky camping scenes?
A.We have not had a chance to do any kinky camping yet. It is something I am really looking forward to though. I have such wonderful and tormenting notions for my little pet when we do get to go. I think I'll bind her up and load her up, leading her like a pack mule to the camp sight on a leash to start. Things will get progressively entertaining from then on...
Q. Do you ever string her up by her arms until they become numb?
A. One thing that really irritates me about apartment living is that we don't have much capability for three dimensional bondage. I get to bind her to the bed, or tie her to a chair, but there is really nothing in our apartment that will allow me to bind her over head, especially if I want to hold her weight. We have done some bondage involving our bedroom or closet doors, but it always makes me feel so limited when considering the comparison of a nice exposed overhead beam. Sufficient to say, this is definitely in her future...
Q. Do you control when and what she can eat?
A. Yes, absolutely. I decide when and what she will have to eat and drink. I insist that she has access to water and milk whenever she needs it to maintain her health, however any food or other drinks are subject to approval by me first. When we are at a restaurant, I will decide what she will have and usually order for her...
Q. Do you have any taboos or hard limits?
A. I don't like to think of anything as a hard limit really. There is always room for improvement or advancement. I suppose there are some things that I will never go for. Things like: scat, children, snuff, things that are generally considered anathema to our community. Most everything else I could think of though might be fair game down the road...
Q. Are you planning on taking things to a new level each time she gets accustomed to one level.
A. Most definitely! I love to push my slave forward at all times and I hate to see stagnation or to loose ground. Ailments bug the hell out of me for that reason. For example, above I mentioned that her oral skills and her appreciation for such talents have vastly improved as of late, ironically as a result of an ailment. I intend to continue training her to further accept my cock in different ways and locals such as skull fucking, more blow jobs while bound, and eventually blow jobs in semi-public locations.
My style of domination, I suppose, is more instinctual than it is planned these days. Granted more out of necessity than any other cause. When I feel that I can successfully push her or challenge her in new and exciting or fear inducing ways, I do. When I feel it will be a struggle just to keep her at her current level, I push her to keep her there. I do on occasion have a chance to actually plan out some scenes based upon goal oriented training, but again this has been sadly scarce as of late...
Well, that covers most of that first set of questions. I am again sorry that it has taken me so long to post answers and I solemnly swear to keep up on my part of the blogging in the near future. Thank you all for being a part of this publicized exploration and please keep those questions and comments coming...
Thanks for answering all of my questions. They were very informative and show that you have a great relationship with your slave. Sounds like she loves being your slave.
Could you post once a week to give an update on how many scenes you have each week. And do you plan to put more pictures of Jenpet on this blog or on Fetlife? Esoecially showing her with the clamps on or in bondage.
A couple more questions. Since she's a pet do you ever make her drink from a bowl on the floor? And do you plan to tatoo or brand her?
Hey, not a problem. Again I am sorry that it took so long. It was kind of fun actually, I kept thinking of it like an interview. I'll get on those other questions today sometime and see about more regular postings. Thanks again for your interest and comments/questions...
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