Helpless, just the way I like her, I thought with an evil grin. I then turned on the faucet. Slowly the water began to pool at the bottom of the tub, tenderly lapping against her thighs and breasts. Now, personally I was hoping for a little bit of, well, surprise with this, but there was very little chance of that with our bathroom set up. I guess that's the trade off between a sudden surprise and dreadful anticipation. Maybe one day when I have a huge dungeon set up all to my own... Yeah right;)
The water was slow but relentless in its ascent up her body, growing ever closer to her neck and then her chin. I have to say she was doing an admirable job trying to bend herself in half backwards, keeping just out of reach of the rising water. I sat on the floor next to her running my hands across her straining back muscles and whispering gentle reminders of her inevitable watery fate. Of course, forcing her head under for several long moments at a time didn't hurt anything either.
Sadly, the water had just reached the base of her nose, and her eye brows kept jumping further and further up her forehead as if they could help hold her head above the surface, when we were interrupted. I had thought of just turning the faucet off and letting her steep a little, but our tub fun had unfortunately ended for the night. I opened the drain and left my soggy, panting slave to writhe in the draining tub. Poor slave;P.
Stay tuned for more watery fun, friends!
If you are interested, be sure to check out a few of the photos from this scene on our Fetlife profile...
Glad to see you're blogging about your scenes again. I'm glad you ended your drought (pun intended because of the water scene) and hope you will start posting more of your scenes. It sounds like you and Jenpet have a great relationship.
And thanks for the heads up on posting the photos on Fetlife. I call it rub a dub dub, one woman in a tub. And you have a lot of other great photos, by the way. Keep posting.
Thanks, I'll keep you all informed on our sessions...
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