Just a Note to Our Dear Readers...
To our dear readers, we love comments and only rarely seem to get a few of them. Give us your feed back, your questions, I can't promise that we'll always get back in a timely manner but that's life with us. However give us what you got and we'll do our best to address them. If there has been a question that we haven't answered, feel free to ask it again, maybe we missed it somewhere. Again, we're just about to delve into audio and video blogs here on RDR and would like to hear from you guys what you think about that too. So come on, don't be shy...
You talked last summer about pumping her breasts last summer. Are you still doing it? If not, why did you stop?
And what rules do you have in place for her and does she follow them?
And how often do you do scenes with her?
And the idea of doing video things is a good one. I hope you go forward with that.
And if you want more comments, you might try making comments on other sites.
Thank you thank you thank you, comments are nummy;)That last comment is a very valid one, posting comments on other people's blogs, a sort of tit for twat system would be very rewarding. Thank you for that idea. I'll post on your questions tonight if I get the chance but may publish the post in a few days, been trying to spread it out some so there aren't fifty posts in a day and then nothing for a month...
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